Study Skills for Theology, Counselling, and Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care
Topic outline
EndNote is a reference management software program which helps students to maintain a reference library and then quickly export references and citations into their assignments.
- Morling Theology students who are enrolled in ACT subjects can access a copy of the EndNote program for free by applying through the ACT website (students need an ACT number when applying).
- Morling Counselling, Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care and Education students can use EndNoteOnline (myendnoteweb) which is a free resource: .
Other free referencing software options
- Citefast: One good citation generator which works for both Chicago and APA is Citefast
- You can create your own account, search for books of the web, manually enter texts and then generate bibliographies or reference lists for your assessments. If you have your own account you can keep a record of texts you use. It also gives you instructions on how to display footnotes or in-text citations.
- Mendeley: Mendeley allows you to "make your own fully-searchable library in seconds, cite as you write, and read and annotate your PDFs on any device".
- ZoteroBib: ZoteroBib helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software
Overview of the basics of EndNote for Morling students
See the Academic Skills Workshop Videos for an overview of EndNote.
Important reminders about EndNote
EndNote is only as good as the information you add to it. Garbage in, garbage out.
- Use one EndNote library for all of your writing. It will make your life easier in the long run.
- Use the Edit Citation command to make changes to citations in documents. Trying to make changes
- on the screen risks corrupting the EndNote citations.
- If you are using footnote styles, your word processor controls the numbering and placement of the footnote and EndNote controls the formatting. So you will first need to insert the footnote using your word processor, and then insert the EndNote citation into that footnote.
- Back up your EndNote Libraries
Resources - EndNote
This version of EndNote is only available through the ACT. It is saved to your computer.
- The EndNote software and the EndNote webpage have extensive help sections and tutorials.
- EndNote Youtube Channel
- The University of Newcastle has an excellent web tutorial about EndNote
Using Cite While You Write with EndNote and footnotes
This allows you to automatically insert citations and create a Reference List/Bibliography
You need to ensure that your WORD settings have the correct output method.
- In your Word document, make sure the cursor is in the correct place (i.e. where you want to insert the footnote reference mark).
- Use EndNote to insert the citation in the Footnote. Repeat this procedure for each footnote.
- Insert a Page Break before the bibliography at the end of the document. This will ensure your bibliography is printed on a separate page at the end of your document, while the footnotes will appear at the bottom of each page, correctly formatted.
- To insert specific page numbers in footnotes:
- To include specific page numbers for a reference in a footnote, highlight the citation and select the EndNote Edit Citation(s) command. You will now see a dialogue box. In the box labelled Pages type the page number(s). Click on the OK button.
- This will only work if the EndNote output style is configured to allow page numbers. If you can't see the page numbers, check that you are using the right Output style.
- Note that the specific page numbers will not appear in the bibliography at the end of the document.
- Why are the repeated citations abbreviated?
- Most footnote styles require citations to be abbreviated if they have already been cited once. The EndNote footnote styles are normally configured to do this. If the reference is cited again in the following footnote,
- If the reference is cited again, but not in the immediately following footnote, EndNote will often use a short form of citation. If the reference in the EndNote library includes a Short Title field, the output style may use this instead of the Title field. EndNote will not create the short title for you. You must decide on the form which the Short Title should take, and insert this data in the Short Title field.
- If you wish to edit an output style to change the way in which it handles repeated citations in footnotes, open the output style for editing. Under the Footnotes heading, select the Repeated Citations section.
Exporting citations into EndNote or EndNote Online
It is possible to export citations directly to EndNote or EndNote Online.
See the next topic for videos on:
- Exporting from EBSCO database or other databases