Topic Name Description
Different types of Assignments Folder Writing Exegesis Papers
Writing Exegesis Papers
URL Creating a PowerPoint presentation

Microsoft Office has a good support page with lots of information. The information is this link discusses Powerpoint 2013 but the basics are still the same.

URL Book reviews

from the UNSW's Learning Centre:

URL Annotated Bibliography
  • Writing an Annotated Bibliography: This is an assignment that allows you to get acquainted with the material available on a particular topic. This guide offers some general advice on getting started.
URL Reflective Writing
  • Reflective Writing: Many uni assignments feature reflective components. Although they can vary considerably in terms of their style and scope, here are some common elements and tips to get you started.
Resources for International Students and NESB students File Guide to Assessment Practices in Australian Higher Education

Guide to Assessment Practices in Australian Higher Education
This guide provides a brief overview of the practices of assessment of learning in Australian universities. The information, suggestions and advice that follow will be especially useful if you are an international student or have just started studying at a tertiary level. It is written about Australian universities but much of it is applicable for Morling College.

File Reviewing English Grammar

Reviewing English Grammar:This is a basic overview of English grammar and can be used as a reference guide for those who are new to writing and reading in English.

File Theological English Workbook

Theological English Workbook:  This workbook has been designed by a lecturer at the Asian Theological Seminary in the Phillippines and works through some of the reading and writing skills you will need to study the Bible at College. There is a focus on vocabulary and comprehension skills.

File Glossary of Helpful terms

A list of words and their meanings that you might come across in your studies.


File Simple glossary of terms

Another list of terms with brief details.

Using EndNote and Endnote Online (Web) Page EndNote - solving footnote issues (video)